Welcome to
Carman Elementary School
Dates to Remember:
- June- Run club continues- Marathon day Sunday, June 15th
- June 2- Grade 5 PB track meet Postponed
- June 2- Mb. Youth Job Centre visits Gr. 6
- June 3- Grade 4 PB Track meet
- June 3- Grade 4 and Gr. 6 girls immunization
- June 4- Rain date for PB track - Grade 5 PB track meet
- June 4- Make up sub day for Grade 3 due to field trip on June 2
- June 5- NO Kindergarten Scott
- June 5- Grade 4-6 choir @ Boyne Towers 2:30 pm
- June 5- Run club leaves for Portage @ 2:30 pm
- June 6- All 3 Kdg. Classes field trip
- June 6- Jumbo Freezie sale @ 2nd break for $1 to support Parkinson’s disease
- June 6- Entertainment assembly 3:06 pm
- June 10- KC & KG visits library @ 9:30 am
- June 10- Gr. 1P, 1LP & 1/2L-field trip
- June 10- 6P @ Collegiate all day
- June 11- Handbells @ Boyne Towers 1:30 pm
- June 12- 1LP used toy sale
- June 12- 6H @ Collegiate all day
- June 13- Grade 6 field trip
- June 16- KC @ Police Stn. & fire hall @ 9:30 am
- June 16- KG @ Police Stn. & fire hall @ 9:30 am
- June 16- Subway make up day
- June 16- Kdg Information night for 2014-2015 Kdg. Students
- June 17- Kdg Phys Ed/Music concert night @ CES starting at 7 pm
- June 19- Grade 1-4 field day, Grade 5 are leaders.
- June 19- 3S Alzheimer’s walk @ 2:00 pm
- June 20- Admin. day, no classes
- June 23 & 24- Phys-ed swimming, schedule of times to follow
- June 23- Subway make up day
- June 24- Run club wind-up
- June 25 KG celebration 2:30 pm
- June 25-Grade 5 field trip
June 27- Assembly @ 9:15 a.m.- dismissal @ 12:00 pm
- June 27- Last day of classes- Have a wonderful summer!
Carman Elementary Olympic Day video!
School Information... just click on the links to download.
Carman Elementary Final note 2013 A Final Note.pdf
Carman Elementary School - May 2014, June cal..pdf
Carman Elementary School - June 2014.pdf
See the new page - "At Carman Elementary" for archived photos and videos
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