Welcome to
Carman Elementary School
Dates to Remember:
April Events
April- Run club will start.....details to follow
April 9- Pink shirt, Anti-bullying day
April 9 & 10- Tempo festival; April 9- Speech Arts, April 10-Choral - Held at Carman United Church
April 15 & 16- Tennis Manitoba visits
April 17- Francofun french day- Elm Creek
April 18-Holiday, no classes
April 22- ACSL meeting 7:00 p.m.
April 23- Early dismissal
April 25- Inservice, no classes
April 30- Camp Quality puppet show
Carman Elementary Olympic Day video!
School Information... just click on the links to download.
Carman Elementary Final note 2013 A Final Note.pdf
Carman Elementary School - April 2014 calendarApril 2014.pdf
Carman Elementary School - March 2014 newsletterMarch newsletter & April calendar.pdf
See the new page - "At Carman Elementary" for archived photos and videos
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